Once upon a time, a blog was started at AOL Journals. The scales fell from the eyes of The Creator and it was moved to Wordpress. Then Journals tanked and all old posts were moved here for safekeeping.

Monday, December 18, 2006

ruminations on decorations

So.  About these holiday decorations of which you Normals are so fond...What is UP with the gigantic inflatable things?  hmm?  Why are the traditional fairy lights no longer enough for you people?  I do love the lights and greenery. A house with the icicle lights and some pine roping makes me happy.  Leafless trees with white lights?  Love 'em.  Heck, I even like the colorful lights.  Not so much with the chaser lights, but still.  A lighted Nativity, while not my particular idiom, is totally within the realm of good taste.  I will EVEN deign to allow one, at most TWO of those odd stick reindeer (esp if they have the good graces to be funny, like Amy's).  But those inflatable things?  I do. not. get. it.  They are large, ugly, in no way Magical Wonderland-y.  They are, at best, tacky.  At worst, Terrifying Christmastide Horrorshow.   On the way back from Stacey's party, I saw a lawn that had a Santa and a Snowman, both had one arm up, ostensibly to wave.  But Santa had fallen over, so appeared to be reaching for his Medicalert, while Frosty raised his fist in trimuph over the prone fatman.  I've noticed a trend toward animation this year, with kinda creepy carousels-in-a-jar and snow globes in which the "snow" inevitably sticks to the sides of the globe in a Christmas miracle of static.  It's distressingly common to see a house with a small front yard with 3 or 4 of these things crammed onto it.  It looks less like a gingerbread cottage and more like a...I don't know, a place that sells tacky-ass inflatable Christmas crap.  How is this good?  How is this pretty?  People:  Stop It.  Stop it now. 

I admit, I am kind of thinking about an FSM in lights...


Anonymous said...

John and I have been stating how much we DESPISE these festive "decorations" since last year. SOOOO glad to see that others hate them as much as us!! You hit the nail on the head.

Anonymous said...

LOLOL - we just got home from driving around looking at Christmas lights. I will have to go back and take a picture of the last house we saw.  It was a wonderland of inflated, random things.  Oooo and we saw a moldy snow globe - really attractive.

Anonymous said...

Our neighborhood is much the same.  I have seen a lighted cross under which is not Baby Jesus, not a manger, but Mr. and Mrs. Frosty caroling with their young ones.  Our entire neighborhood is a mix of the Holy with the Crap.  Makes me want to go out and put people's deer in compromising positions.
