Once upon a time, a blog was started at AOL Journals. The scales fell from the eyes of The Creator and it was moved to Wordpress. Then Journals tanked and all old posts were moved here for safekeeping.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Oh, in case you were wondering

(lookit these TWICE a day entries.)  Yesterday I got only a Sierra Trading and a Land's End catalog.  But today:  Hanes, J. Crew, Sahalie, Solutions, Norm Thompson, L.L. Bean, Hanna Andersson,  Heifer International, and Living Arts.

Steve would like me to point out my vacuum post as a public service announcement.  The reason I got exactly what I wanted was b/c I ASKED for exactly what I wanted.  I did not hope he would read my mind, would know that my sighing at dust balls mean "I sure would like a Miele Orion vacumm cleaner."  As a well-trained boy, he would never, on his own, go by me cleaning supplies as a gift.  That way lies madness.  It's in the same neighborhood as "Does this make me look fat?" and we avoid that place at ALL times of day.  So.  Ladies (and Gents, for that matter), do not hope to get what you want simply by force of love.  He loves you plenty, but gifts scare him.  He's afraid of getting the wrong thing.  So just TELL him.  We now return you to your previously scheduled You Tube surfing.


Anonymous said...

You are so wise, Deana!!!!  Is this a good time to mention I REALLY want a goat?  Buy me a goat and you get free goat's milk soap for life.

Anonymous said...

See if you can get hooked up with Heifer International.  Then celebrities will buy you a goat!
