Once upon a time, a blog was started at AOL Journals. The scales fell from the eyes of The Creator and it was moved to Wordpress. Then Journals tanked and all old posts were moved here for safekeeping.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Enough already with the Holiday Cheer

Today was the choral concert and I'm just about done watching kids perform.  Don't get me wrong, they're cute as the dickens, but I'm done.  Our school goes from 3 year olds to 8th graders.  For the first song, the kindergarteners and the middle schoolers sang together.  So. Flippin. Cute.  I know the K'ers were supposed to bring the cute, but honestly the middle schoolers were so adorable I just wanted to noogie all their heads.  So slouchy and embarrassed, but secretly pleased.  Adorable.  I love them.  Because they aren't mine.

MY eldest, on the other hand, was the world's most bored nine year old.  They same this--admittedly lame--song called Music Rocks (so you can imagine), and she could just barely keep her eyes from rolling clean out of her head.  This little video gem captures her body movements, even though you can't see her eyes.  She kind of throws her arm up in the air, like she's done with it and hurling it out the window.  Then she lets it plop back down and bounce off her leg.  Hardly Rockette like crispness.  She's the one on the far right in the light blue pants and blue striped shirt.  Front row, thank goodness.

If you reeeaaaally like watching blurry video of my kids (Hi Grandparents!), you can go to You Tube, search for greenbes, and watch Julianna do some sort of Hawaiian dance with sticks and Ben mouth the words to some lame song.

After school today, Julianna went to the "dance" for the upper elementary and middle schoolers.  She said that the girl that planned it was put out b/c people weren't dancing.  Poor dear had some romantic notion in her head and then the kids showed up and played keep away with the balloons and threw popcorn at each other.  As Nelson Munz would say: HAH ha.

I feel like I haven't slept in a month.  I neeed a nap.  Ben asks me at least bi-hourly "How many days until Hannukah?"  He's devoutly religious you see.  Cannot wait for that festival of lights!  Anyway,  we've got Stacey's Hannukah party on Friday.  Steve's work party on Saturday (hello free desserts!!)...I'm going to need to hibernate I think.

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