Once upon a time, a blog was started at AOL Journals. The scales fell from the eyes of The Creator and it was moved to Wordpress. Then Journals tanked and all old posts were moved here for safekeeping.

Monday, December 4, 2006

The love that dare not speak its name

That's right, love between a woman and her vacuum cleaner.  I got my Hanukkamas present early--a Miele Orion.  Oh, how I love it.  I'm fairly certain that houses with lots of fussy woodwork should come with them standard.  I've swept the felted dust off of my transoms.  I've sucked glitter and lego arms from between my floorboards.  I even got the radiator brush--my radiators are now cobweb free.  I can even, by using the soft brush and the lowest power setting, dust my plant.

 I have only one plant, a peace lily.  It is the only plant I know that is capable of telling me that it needs water.  Plants that don't speak up until it's too late do not last long.  So now it's just saggy and cat-munched, instead of saggy, cat-munched, and dusty.  And yes, I know they're toxic to cats.  I've never actually SEEN the cats chomp it, but it sure is ratty.  But clean!

It really is a little embarrassing when people ask me what I want for the holidays and I excitedly say I already got it--Steve got me a vacuum!  And they get already to bond in sisterly outrage at getting a cleaning appliance.  But far more useful than diamonds.  Far more likely to improve my mood than gold.  The house feels lighter.  I think I shall write a sonnet.

For just a mere six hundred bucks
(I'm sure THAT is causing some yucks)
You can make your spouse happy,
She'll likely get sappy.
That you gave her a present that sucks.

Okay, so it was a limerick.  Whaterya gonna do?

Slurpity Suckity
Miele Orion
Sucks up the dirt that
lies on my floor

I fear that my love for it
Makes me look vacuous
and quite a bore.

See, Double Dactyl.  That's love, baby.


Anonymous said...

Glad you're back - yer killin' me!

Anonymous said...

So what does it do with sand?  Can I send you sand and will you scatter it all over your house?  While I"m at it can I send you some dog hair tumbleweeds (or the dog)?  

I wish I were Deana
She's got a new cleanah
My dh sucks
I wish he were keener.

Let me know on the sand.

Anonymous said...

Deana, we are long lost sisters.  I was thrilled when Ritu got me  a Roomba for my birthday!  But it sounds like your Miele could kick my Roomba's ass.  I've yet to write an ode to my Rooomba....

Anonymous said...

Janet, Steve was going to get me the Scooba, so taht I could cover it in fur and googly eyes and pretend I have a dog that cleans.  But my house is allllll corners, which is, of course, where most of the scuzz lives.   Plus, the poor thing would get fat.  But my Miele (named Baltar, btw) can clean transoms, cobwebs 12 feet up....Magic.

Anonymous said...

Believe me, I have my eye on the Scooba.  And we got the Roomba a few weeks before we got our first pets (guinea pigs, btw!) and Juliana stroked it and called it her puppy.  When it cleaned well, she rewarded it with "Good Roomba!" Did you name yours Baltar because of how much it sucks?
