Once upon a time, a blog was started at AOL Journals. The scales fell from the eyes of The Creator and it was moved to Wordpress. Then Journals tanked and all old posts were moved here for safekeeping.

Monday, January 31, 2005

Damn fussy bunch

Font's too big, font's too small, color's too dark, I want white!  I swear, there's no pleasing you people. But praise hog that I am, I'll do my damndest.  Last post was at 12 pt.  This one is at 10.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

I bow to the will of the masses

Okay.  Black on retina-burning white it is.  Snore. Now to try adding a picture...

Okay, the dread pirate Lily at Grandma and Grandpa's house.  Note the gun that neither of her older siblings would have had access to at such a tender age.

Okay...how's THIS?

Can my elderly readers see this any better?  The customer is always right, of course.  Once I get home on my own computer, I may have to start all over b/c our monitor is such crap.  I can't believe how much better all the pics on Ste.Jane's are when you can actually make out what is in them...

more scintillating color talk

Right.  Too much white makes my eyes feel tired, but light on dark annoys me.  So how's this?  does the flash of green make you run?  What if I add scrolling banners and "Proud to Be an American" played on a phone keypad?

all weigh in

All right, anyone who's out there...what makes your eyes happy?  White background and black letters?  Dark background and light letters?  Cut it out already w/the damn colors?  I do love to play w/colors, but honestly the pallette I'm offered isn't very wide, so I can't get it juuuuuust right.  I don't really like it all white, but I'm willing to bow to the wishes of the mob.  What with the torches and pitchforks and all.

Okay, so I'm messing around with the colors, trying to get it just so.  What doesn't hurt my eyes is really what matters, since chances are I'm really the only one looking at it...

First posting

This is my first post.
