Once upon a time, a blog was started at AOL Journals. The scales fell from the eyes of The Creator and it was moved to Wordpress. Then Journals tanked and all old posts were moved here for safekeeping.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

An assortment

Here are some things:

--Missing the Point  overheard at the Chinese restaurant on Christmas day (known to our Jewish friends as "The Festival of Lo Mein"): And elderly Jewish woman (and I know she was Jewish because a) she was in the Chinese restaurant and b) she had been going on earlier about "schmaltz" and "chopped liver") was excitedly telling her son and daughter-in-law that she had a new, better way to make latkes.  "You just put them in a casserole dish and you don't need to use any oil at all!  They're just as good and not so fatty."  A Great Miracle Happened Here!  Where there should have been 8 grams of fat, there are none!

--What my brain does when I'm trying to fall asleep  So you know how when someone has a kid who turns out to be quite the opposite of the parents, people make some crack about Alex P.Keaton?  While I was trying to nap yesterday, I ended up musing about this.  You know, Alex is not the opposite of his parents at all.  His parents were thoughtful (if smelly hippy) rebels.  Alex, really, is the same.  He has rebelled against his own parents, which has led him to his Republican stance, and he is a thinker, even if a misguided one.  Mallory, on the other hand, hasn't a thought in her head and is happy to go with the crowd.  Is mortified, in fact, at the thought of doing otherwise.  Mallory, then, in the one who is totally unlike her parents.  Your witness, sir.

Ben's review of March of the Penguins--"Penguins walking, penguins swimming, blah blah blah blah."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice coments about "Alex P Keaton."   It's definitely the spin us parents of rebellious teenagers need to have.   He is this way because he is comfortable in discovering himself... yeah, WHATEVER!  blah blah blah...

Speaking of "blah blah,"  Ben's review seems right on the money.  
