Once upon a time, a blog was started at AOL Journals. The scales fell from the eyes of The Creator and it was moved to Wordpress. Then Journals tanked and all old posts were moved here for safekeeping.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

to whom it may concern

I have a request.  Either zits or wrinkles, but not both.  It just isn't fair.  It's not like having a pimples will suddenly get me carded at the liquor store.  I suppose if I had to choose between being mistaken for a haggard teen or a pestilent crone, I'd go for the former, but I'd rather not have to choose.  Given that the wrinkles are already there, lets just get rid of the zits, shall we?  Thanks.

Anyway.  Look what I did today!

I'm a farm girl!  I put in all those posts and hung all that chicken wire.  I just have to make a gate and attach the fence at the bottom.  Then I can realize my chicken dream!  Which, as it turns out, is about as banal as my dreams get.  Anyway.  Mildred comes home and I have a source for 6 bantam hens that need rehoming.  I know nothing else about them, but heaven knows I never turn down a critter needing a home.  Something I really need to work on.  I expect to wake up tomorrow morning, wholly unable to move, croaking "oilcan!" but man it felt good to dig the dirt and accomplish something tangible (that my kids will not [better not] undo within the hour) in the sunshine.


Anonymous said...

Here chick chick chick chick.   I envy you those chickens, I really do.  In Lowe's looking for fence material, I found a premade, unroll it and stick it in the ground, picket fence.  Totally awesome.  Except that it was only 18 inches high.  Brent said, "what's that gonna keep out of the garden?"  DUH- roaming packs of chihuahuas!  Or, I could start a kitten farm.  It would hold in all the newborn kittehs.  For like, a week.
But, I digress... Hanging chicken wire solo is a pain in the tuchus, so go you!

Anonymous said...

It's not too late to stop this insanity, Deana.  Just say NO to chickens.  At the very least, promise you'll all wear safety goggles at all times.  The chickens will just be waiting to peck your eyes out.  
