Once upon a time, a blog was started at AOL Journals. The scales fell from the eyes of The Creator and it was moved to Wordpress. Then Journals tanked and all old posts were moved here for safekeeping.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Giving away ice to the Eskimos

As you may recall, Wednesday is Ice Cream Day at the Six Gables Squid Farm and Cafe.  We go out for ice cream, rotating turns for choosing.  And then fighting about whose turn it really is because we went to Way Cool last week and that couldn't possibly have been her choice, so he must have chosen last week which makes it hers this week and why oh why won't I LISTEN?  But today was Lily's day and Lily chooses Rita's every time.  Even in winter, when it's closed.  "I choose Rita's!"  "It's closed."  "WHY?!"  "Because, just like 3 weeks ago, it's winter and Rita's doesn't open until March."  "When is March?"  Repeat every three weeks until March.  But now it IS March, and Rita's is open.  Apparently, on the first day of spring, Rita's gives away Italian Ice.  I don't care b/c I don't go to Rita's for frozen Kool-Aid.  I go for custard.  As do my children (Actually, they like the ice/ice cream combo that Ritas calls a Gelati for some reason).  But guess what today is?  First day of Spring.  Guess how many people were at Rita's?  All of them.  But that's what Lily wanted.  So we stood, shivering in the 40 degree temps, waiting for people to choose their free ice and get the hell out of our way.  Why wasn't there a "people who are going to use money" line?  Because I would pay extra not to have to wait for free ice.

Then, on the way out, I had to dodge teenagers with saggy pants on bikes (the pants are on the teens, not the bikes).  They seemed to have forgotten basic physics--the part about how vans hurt if they run into you.  So I was expressing my frustration with having to avoid them.  Then I made fun of the guy with the Maynerd G. Krebs beard who had his pants belted, literally, across his butt.  Right in the middle.  "You don't like teenagers, do you mommy?"
"Well, I don't like when people make stupid choices."
"I think teenagers turn stupid."
"Well, they do, kinda" and then we had a discussion about how teenagers really do get a little stupid and they can't really help it, but it doesn't make it easy to live with them and that cannot be used as an excuse to be rude and I expect better of all of them.  So we have that out of the way and I suspect the teen years will be a breeze now.


Anonymous said...

I'm with Lily.  Rita's all the way.  I especially love free ice day.  Chillin' on your tailgate.  Watchin' people.  Eatin' some ice.

I'm talking myself out of driving down to Akron for a free Rita's right now.  It's hard.

Having lived in freshman dorms for 7 years, I have extensive experience with these "teenagers" that you speak of.  125 per dorm x 4 years = 500 + ((2 dorms during HD years x 125 per dorm) x 3 HD years) = 1250 teenagers.  What I learned from this long, arduous study of human nature is that they're all a bunch of effing morons.  You can quote me on that, as long as you cite the reference.

Anonymous said...

>>that cannot be used as an excuse to be rude and I expect better of all of them.  So we have that out of the way and I suspect the teen years will be a breeze now.<<

Ha Ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!    AHHHHhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaa!   Ha ha ha ha!!!!
<:shrieking uncontrollable laughter:>   haaaaaa haaaaaaa!

Ooooooops... I think I peed myself laughing.    

~Christine (mom of 15, 13, 11, 9 & 9)
