Once upon a time, a blog was started at AOL Journals. The scales fell from the eyes of The Creator and it was moved to Wordpress. Then Journals tanked and all old posts were moved here for safekeeping.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

in today's mail

Model recap tomorrow.  I started it and lost it and haven't the stamina to start over.  But today, in the mail, I got a hanger catalog.  Just hangers.  I thought, when I saw it, that surely it was a general Things that Organize Your Closet sort of thing, but no.  Just hangers.  Here is the website.  Yes, that's right, hangers.com.  The kids and I had a good time making fun of the sort of person who would be excited by this catalog.  Who knew there were hanger nerds?  Presumably, some sort of market research went into this company, so presumably there is a market for specialty hangers...I.cannot.imagine.  I admit, I hate the wire hangers that come from the dry cleaner b/c they make such creases on shirt shoulders.  And, perhaps I'm not a good judge b/c I live in a house built in the first years of the 20th Century when closets were just a place for Satan to hide and not to be built into the homes of the God-fearing, but seriously, hangers?  It's not even whimsical and called "What's your hang-up?" or anything.  It's Pottery Barn serious.  high-end photography. MONOGRAMS.  Some of them are labled "Great gift idea!"  Note to my male readers:  hangers are never, ever a great gift idea.  Ever.


Anonymous said...

OMG, for real! I thought you were shittin' me. I just had to search for some kids' combo hangers (b/c I need some) and they were $67 for 25pcs. What the hell are people thinking? And you are right, Pottery Barn looking site and all that.

Do you think Bill Gates has custom monogram ones?

Anonymous said...

What about as a housewarming gift?  I might like a set of say, a dozen walnut & brass monogrammed hangers as a housewarming gift.  But then, I think I'm the Bert type of person that you were wondering about.  I like a nice hanger.

hallcjm: I think that Bill Gates has solid platinum hangers monogrammed in gold.  Because he can.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why but the idea of someone coming home and saying "Honey, I've quit my job and invested all our money in hangers ..." is totally cracking me up.  It reminds me of a neighbor we had when I was a kid.  His brilliant plan was to open up an old-fashioned butcher shop.  In. the. mall.  Seriously.  OK - I'm giggling out loud now.  Honey, run these pork chops out to the car, I need to stop at Macy's.
