Once upon a time, a blog was started at AOL Journals. The scales fell from the eyes of The Creator and it was moved to Wordpress. Then Journals tanked and all old posts were moved here for safekeeping.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Another way in which I'm an unfit mother

Yeah, um, Julianna turned 10 on Sunday.  I can hardly get to the keyboard fast enough to rant about Top Model, but I only remembered to mention my eldest's hitting double digits in Andi's blog.  Bad mommy.

So, she did.  She turned all 10 on me with as much fanfare as a slumber party of 5 girls can allow.  Which is rather a lot, actually.  They managed to make as much noise as Ben's 14-kids-with-lightsabers party.  So, so loud.  And with their own loud, was the added bonus of Ben screaming that no one likes him and nothing is fair and this is stupid and so on because he wants to join in.  In previous parties, it hasn't been a problem.  They're just parties in the dining room, all are welcome.  But this was a Girls' Slumber Party and a good deal of it took place in Julianna's room.  Where all are NOT welcome.  Much drama.

Here is the birthday girl blowing out TEN candles on her sleeping bag-shaped birthday cake (yes, it's a lamer version of her 8th cake.  It's what she wanted.  And yes, those are still Chanukah candles.  Who thinks of buying birthday candles when they're out?):

I left the whole party up to her this year.  She had a table filled with craft supplies, which led to the making of tissue paper hats:

Then there was the cake and the opening of gifts (see the snow back there?  that was our surprise 8 inches [no, not THAT kind.  Get your mind out of the gutter], she was afraid it would keep people away):

Then they played Dance Dance Revolution on the PS2.  This was hilarious because as one person was on the mat, the others all did the steps along with it.  And called out the move.  "FRONT FRONT LEFT RIGHT BACK...BACK FRONT RIGHT..."

It's just not dancing unless your tongue hangs out:

Then there were many games of hide-and-seek, which is why I wanted this house. Many cubbies in which to hide.  After that, they retreated to Julianna's room, leaving me with the ensuing terror.  I think they finally zonked out around midnight.  And, looking at that picture, I see that the striped socks in the bathroom are Katie's.  Good to know.


Anonymous said...

I have mentioned this before (at Bens bday), but I am still feeling like I deserved an award...Mikayla's bday was 15 girls spending the night and they did not zonk out (not even stop screaming) till 3:00 a.m.  I, however, do not have a boy that felt left out...which can make all the difference in the world!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, see, that's because you have a brain problem.  Julianna tried to invite 6 girls and I shut her down.  It helps to have no space in your house big enough for more than 5 girls to sleep.

Anonymous said...

I like that you recycled the sleeping bag cake.  I probably would have just made a regular sheet cake and said it was a pillow.  My baking skillz are pretty limited.  At least Ben got to join in on the dance partay.  
