Once upon a time, a blog was started at AOL Journals. The scales fell from the eyes of The Creator and it was moved to Wordpress. Then Journals tanked and all old posts were moved here for safekeeping.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Everything Must GO!

It got warm.  That means one thing for me:  I get the urge to throw away everything we own and start anew.  I want to drag all the furniture, all the toys, all the blankets and linens--everything--to the curb.  Or, in our case, to the garage door, where it will fester for a year until we finally get someone out to haul it.  Or most of it.  Some gets to stay, to remind us where the garbage goes.

I'm trying to satisfy the urge by reclaiming the playroom as a sewing/craft space.  I've been sewing in the dining room which doesn't really make for a relaxing eating area.  Mixing spaghetti with tape measures...picking straight pins out of the dinner rolls...no good.  But there's STUFF in the playroom, and it must move.  But where?  Where is that extra room that turns up in my dreams?  Gah.  I'm dragging it all to the curb.

If you've seen something you want, come get it. 


Anonymous said...

Get a dumpster right outside the playroom window  and start tossing.  I LOVE throwing stuff out.

Anonymous said...

I guess **Braddock Heights** (Deah, do have Jeeves bring around the Bentley) doesn't have a decent impoverished population to help you out?  The driveway scavengers here are constantly on the prowl for semi-usable/re-salable junk.  They'll haul away half a trash pile before the garbage man gets there.  To get rid of large scrap metal pieces, Brent puts them in his trunk, drives to work and unloads them on the sidewalk while at a stoplight.  The shopping cart recyclers SWARM that stuff.

Anyway, my point is that you're just living in too nice an area for your own good.  Slum it down a little bit and you can just toss all that crap onto the front yard.  Call it the "outdoor play area".    

Anonymous said...

We have this damned hedge hiding our prime "come get our crap" area.  When we lived downtown, it was nearly a game to see just how lowly a piece of crap you could get someone to take by sticking a "free" sign on it.  I mock, but damn if it isn't killing me that no one is picking up the chair down the road...Sure it's nubby orange nylon, but it's FREE!!  FREE, PEOPLE!!  Which is, of course, why I have two uncomfortable buy oh-so- mid-century modern chairs in my family room.  To set off my cool and impractical mosaic boomerang table.

Anonymous said...

Yep - I get it. I want to throw everything away and move. Want fresh paint. Want a new kitchen.
