Once upon a time, a blog was started at AOL Journals. The scales fell from the eyes of The Creator and it was moved to Wordpress. Then Journals tanked and all old posts were moved here for safekeeping.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

More Learning Day fun!


Apparently there are pygmy elephants.  Why this is the first I'm hearing of it, I cannot imagine, but there ARE.  I got an email from the Philadelphia Zoo telling me that they're in some sort of partnership with....snzxxxx....boring.  don't care.  The important thing: Pygmy Elephants!!

Sadly, they are not dog-sized, as I had fervently hoped.  They're actually only a couple of feet shorter than regular Asian elephants, which still makes them big critters.  But they have "babyish faces" and tails that reach the ground!
Look, look!

(I don't see those tails, people.  But they are cute)

So they're fairly recently discovered b/c they're good at hiding and really non agressive.  Well, recently discovered by whitey.  The Malaysians have been enjoying tasty miniphants for years.  Seems they destroy crops, and uh...well, I'll let you read it:

Elephants regularly raid villager's small plantations as well as the larger oil palm plantations for food. Even more upsetting to the local people is the elephants' habit of destroying their graveyards. Elephants pull out grave markers and use the fresh soil for dust bathing.

Yeah.  So.  Anyway, there are only about a thousand or so left.  I'm all of the sudden feeling all conservationist.  Save the blasphemous pygmy elephant!!


Anonymous said...

Waaah!  The picture isn't working!

Anonymous said...

I still see it...I think the elephants just don't like you.  They will take a dust bath on your grave.

Anonymous said...

That elephant has a face like Nicole Ritchie.  Is that mean?  Did I step over the line?

Anonymous said...

I can see the picture now!  And there is a bit of a Nicole Richie resemblence, now that you mention it....
