Once upon a time, a blog was started at AOL Journals. The scales fell from the eyes of The Creator and it was moved to Wordpress. Then Journals tanked and all old posts were moved here for safekeeping.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

dogged search

It's 24 hour dogs in my brain.  It's a little like applying to college.  I'm sending out applications, trying to sound like the perfect candidate, hoping they'll accept me.  Now I'm worried because one of my safety schools has accepted me, wants me to visit the campus this weekend and make a decision.  But the school I really want hasn't responded yet and I don't want to go with the state school when the ivy just might take me.  Oh, right, I was talking about dogs.

Here's Cappy (he's named Cappuchino, but my imaginary friend Barbara called him Cappy, which is much cuter than Puchi, which is where I was headed.  Oo, I could change his spelling to Capoochino and then it's funny instead of lame!).
He looks a little scared to me.  Understandable, I suppose, but I don't want a fearful dog.  They're unpredictable.  He's very cute, though, isn't he?  On the other hand, if I go see him Monday, and he's nice, I have to take him home.  Right then.  No hemmin' and hawin'.  And I'm VERY bad at making final decisions.

I'm hoping to hear back from someone about Blue:
  Look at her.  She wants to live with me.  She's an English Cocker, which Imaginary Barbara has also, so I'd have someone to answer breed questions for me.  I'd change HER spelling to Blu, so she'd be Blu Greenberg, who is a feminist Jewish scholar.  I mean really, what good IS a graduate education if you can't use it to re-name your dogs?  Or at least change the spelling.


Anonymous said...

Both are adorable... but I can see your draw to Blu. I hope it works out for you!!!!

Anonymous said...

I like Capoochino, I don't think he looks nervous. More like "Good Lord, what are these people doing?" Which might be a good attitude for a dog living in a house with children.

Anonymous said...

Hey, is that Justin as in my li'l brother Justin?

Anonymous said...

I don't think it is our Justin...his screen name is jlwconstr.  Since I am here...I think ALL the pups are too cute!!  Good luck!
