Once upon a time, a blog was started at AOL Journals. The scales fell from the eyes of The Creator and it was moved to Wordpress. Then Journals tanked and all old posts were moved here for safekeeping.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

But the laurels are so cozy...

I guess it would be a good plan to, oh, I dunno, post once in a while.  "Hey she's funny, I'll read her blog....Oh good, Day 3 of a random link back to Mommybloggers.  Great."  Well, you could have just combed the archives, so quitcher bitchin.

DogSearch 2006 continues.  I've cast my nets far, sending applications to several rescues and even contacting a Clumber Spaniel breeder.  I don't want a puppy, but sometimes a dog they thought they could show doesn't work out in the ring. A failed beauty queen will have a nice low self-esteem and will assume she's lucky to be here.  "Are you really going to eat more kibble?  No wonder you never made Champion."  I know it's a tired old cliche, but it seems like if you had to go through a fraction of the screening to have a kid that you have to go through to adopt a dog, the world would be a better place.

Lily went in to the upstairs bathroom to pee today and announced, "Mommy, we need to clean this bafroom.  It's bisgustin."  So we did.  Scolded by my 3 year old for my housekeeping skills.   She's listing what we need, "We need dose wipes in the gween container and the moppy fing."  (I know it's annoying when people type kid-speak, but really you need to hear her authoritative tone with the preschooler speech impediments.  I see her in the boardroom--Johnson, your wuhk is cwap.  Fwankwy, we cannot ahfohd to give you anuvver chance.  You'uh fi-uhed.  Cwean out your desk and get out.)  The poor dear tidies.  She notices messes.  It's really quite tragic because I'm just not that gal.  I fear she'll have this Sedaris-like childhood, despairing of ever having a clean patch and being embarrassed to bring home her friends.  But hey, I'm setting her up for a lucrative writing career.  So she'll thank me, right?

Lily quote of the day--It's a tie, you decide:

1) Mommy, can I stand on the bed and tickle my nipples?

2) (while clutching a stuffed dog that barks when you squeeze his sides) He's too hard, Mommy, I can't turn him on.


Anonymous said...

#2 is my hands down fav

Anonymous said...

Gotta be quote #2. That is just too funny!!!!
