Once upon a time, a blog was started at AOL Journals. The scales fell from the eyes of The Creator and it was moved to Wordpress. Then Journals tanked and all old posts were moved here for safekeeping.

Friday, January 6, 2006

Do not Google

Okay, I couldn't remember which comedian it iwas--Jon Stewart or Mike Myers--who'd rub his nipples and say "I feel like a little girl."  Then I remembered it was Myers, doing Dieter.  Fine.  I had tried to google the phrase, paired with "nipple" to get some help.  Let me assure you that is NOT a helpful google search, and if you do it yourself, you're a sick bastid.  But anyway, when Dieter did it, I always wondered "what the hell?  Do little girls rub their nipples?"

Turns out they do.  Lily, previously of the "belly pressing" obsession, now walks about rubbing and pinching her nipples.  All the time.  "Whatcha doin' honey?"  "Oh, just pinchin' my nipples.  They don't have milk." 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When Dieter said, "I'm as happy as a little girl," he was, in fact, pulling out his shirt, a la hard nipples, I believe. ...

Saw an interview with Mike Myers where he discussed the inspiration for Dieter, who was a college friend of his. The kind of guy you'd bring home for holidays and he'd sit at your family's dinner table and say (in curt German accent), "Larry Storch was a much-maligned comic genius!" ... it was very funny interview.
