Once upon a time, a blog was started at AOL Journals. The scales fell from the eyes of The Creator and it was moved to Wordpress. Then Journals tanked and all old posts were moved here for safekeeping.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

A Jack Torrence moment

They're calling for for 6-10 inches of snow tomorrow.  I am not amused.  Having had Thursday and Friday off because of snow, Julianna was going through Peer Withdrawl, so she invited her friend Valerie over.  They're having giggly girl fun, sledding and playing with whatever it is they play.  But really all it means for me is two weepy little kids.  Ben and Lily want to join in SO badly, but as an oldest child, I know what a drag it is for your younger sibs to try to horn in.  So they're watching too much television as a consolation prize.  Ben periodically pops up to beg for snacks.  Lily sits, in a trance, "pressing."  That's the weird, possibly maturbatory thing she does now and again that looks like she has period cramps and makes her all sweaty.  But it DOES keep her quiet.  Steve is scurrying around working on The Wine.  Apparently it went into a soda tank today.  I'm trying to work up the energy to clean a little something, but Lily decided that the 3-6 am slot this morning was best filled by Blue's Clues and leftover pizza.  Yawn.

Tomorrow I have a blind date with another Matching Moms person.  She has a son named Hudson, so I'm skeptical.  Her daughter is Gillian, which is lovely, so I'm going to assume Hudson is a family name and not simply the misguided mess that it seems.  We're meeting at the mall at the play space because she thought that was what one should do for a first meeting--another red (or at least orangish) flag for me, given my lax attitude toward safety.  We shall see.

Stayed up too late last night watching Project Runway.  I hadn't watched when it was on, so I TiVo'd a marathon.  Delightful.  But I really don't get the hatred toward Wendy.  She was right, it WAS a contest and she was right to try to win however she needed to.  What a bunch of babies. Plus, she was a 40 year old mom from the DC area, so I was rooting for her to kick their hipper-than-thou butts.  Even though her daughter is named Finley and has a wretched haircut.


Anonymous said...

I am an artisan; I do not "scurry".  As a young man I briefly experimented with scampering, but that was a long time ago.  I'm not proud of it, and I think we should put it behind us for the good of the children.

I just think that if you didn't want me to spend my afternoon flooding the basement with half-fermented grape sludge you should have said something.

Speaking of which, does anybody know how to get giant red stains out of, well... pretty much everything?  It looks more like I've taken up amateur butchering than winemaking.

Anonymous said...

6-10 inches? Hmmm...I spent the morning bitching at my kids because they wouldn't put on long sleeve shirts as it was in the mid 60's and quite chilly. Tomorrow, I think I'll whip up a batch of margaritas, go to the beach, walk barefoot, listen to Buffet, and enjoy a nice day while MY kids are in school.  Ha Ha you bitch!  NOW who's mocking Florida???!! HUH? HUH??

Anonymous said...

Do not mock the woman with the axe, Leslie.
