Once upon a time, a blog was started at AOL Journals. The scales fell from the eyes of The Creator and it was moved to Wordpress. Then Journals tanked and all old posts were moved here for safekeeping.

Tuesday, February 1, 2005

The Festival of Ben

Looky at the li'l baby.  The pediatrician on call said, "So, who's got the ears?" Huh?  Wah?  Lady, I just shot a baby out of my nether regions, I'm in no mood for deciphering cryptic questions.  We ALL have ears, what on EARTH are you talking about?  Once the fog cleared, I realized she was maligning my beautiful infant son by suggesting he had larger than perfect ears.  hmpf. 

So the week long Festival of Ben continues.  He had a party at Grandma and Grandpa's last weekend.  Today he basically gets what he wants--chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast,  pizza  and cupcakes for dinner.  This weekend, we'll go to my folks' house where he'll get more cake and presents.  It's good to be the king.  We have a lot of pirate crap now.  Breaking my devotion to Playmobil, I got him some Imaginext pirate things.  He got new pirate bedding...I mean, pirates are bad, right?  We've made them into these kind of rakish rogues, but really they were all about the raping and plundering.  I have a vague unease about this sometimes, but then I remember how cute Johnny Depp looked in that pirate get up...

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