Once upon a time, a blog was started at AOL Journals. The scales fell from the eyes of The Creator and it was moved to Wordpress. Then Journals tanked and all old posts were moved here for safekeeping.

Wednesday, March 2, 2005

Your update

It's Wednesday.  Today at Cold Stone, I made my own: Vanilla ice cream with brownie, peanut butter, fudge sauce, and whipped topping.  Ohhhh maaannnnn.

In other, non-ice cream news, my college buddy Janet came by today w/her 5 mo old, Ian.  He's crazy cute with these blue blue eyes.  She's a friend I lost contact with about 8 years ago.  We'd gone to her house and had a cranky game of Charades and she never called again.  I sent cards, wrote letters, nothing but the occasional formal reply.  Weird.  I continued to dream about her and really regretted losing the friendship.  Then, this summer, my friend Stacey saw Janet at a Dickinson reunion and asked her why she was ignoring me.  Janet was surprised ('though how she could have been, I don't know), and gave Stacey an email to give me.  So she was pregnant and had a new husband and much had transpired in those 8 years.  I still don't know why she vanished, but I'm glad to have her back nonetheless.  but we will NOT be playing Charades again.

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