Once upon a time, a blog was started at AOL Journals. The scales fell from the eyes of The Creator and it was moved to Wordpress. Then Journals tanked and all old posts were moved here for safekeeping.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Safe to come out?

In sort of a reverse-groundhog move, I decided to hibernate until winter came back.  Frankly the balmy days and my roses blooming was beginning to wig me out a little.  Two days ago, I walked out of my house with Lily and said, "Hey, it smells like snow!"  Sure enough, about 5 minutes later, big, wet flakes started falling.  Lily was beside herself.  "SNOW! SNOW!"  No amount of my saying, "It isn't going to last" could dampen her happiness--or avert her despair when it stopped about 10 min. later.  But at least the temps are a bit more seasonal, so we have hope.

We had to have one of our foster hamsters euthanized this week.  Poor little Eclair had a rectal prolapse.  I went to check on her and she appeared to be crapping out her organs.  And she was!  Hooray!  So the head of the foster group took her to the emergency vet (because it was, of course, at night.  Hamsters got the memo about only getting really sick at night).  I was worried that we had done something or missed something that caused this, but Angela assured me that hamsters are so inbred that random crap happens and they're just really fragile.  "Yeah, a couple of years ago," she said, "Michelle had one get a prolapsed eyeball. It just popped right out."  I went home and had a talk with all the rodents.  "I hear tell that some of you like to just lose an eyeball on occasion.  I want to make it clear that that is not acceptable behavior in my home.  Got it?"

Oh, and this is for Tash: Pb&J; a Luna bar; apple and peanut butter; fried egg and cheese; nothing; cheese and crackers; pizza; leftover soup.


Anonymous said...

HAHAHA!!! Thank you...it is nice to have you back! =)

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the hamster.  Rodents are freaky pets.  And,  I really like it better when you blog everyday.  (putting on my pert, perky face) K?  Thanks bunches!  8)

Anonymous said...

Prolapsed eyeballs??  Jesus Christ!  I could've happily lived my entire life without knowing I needed to worry about that.
