Once upon a time, a blog was started at AOL Journals. The scales fell from the eyes of The Creator and it was moved to Wordpress. Then Journals tanked and all old posts were moved here for safekeeping.

Friday, January 26, 2007

From the Squidink mailroom

Auntie Andi writes:

1.  Bean.  You don't even have to OWN her.  You can just foster her, like you do with the guinea pigs.  She's totally trained not to run out the door anymore.

2.  Take a look at the people who have dreamcatchers hanging from their rearview mirrors.  Really look at them.  Not to stereotype (hint: I'm totally about to stereotype), but these are people who rely on daydreaming to get them through the day.  They really don't want to lose those daydreams.

3.  www.henspa.com.  The Hen Chalet on Stilts is effing adorable.

Imaginary Christine writes:

Awww... crap.... I didn't know about Fredo.  That sucks.   I assume from what's here that he got hit by a car(?)   That's what happened to our family's first dog.   Breaks my heart.

I hate to say it, but my kids only REALLY got past it when we got another dog and installed an electric fence.   Just sayin' 

Okay.  You maybe didn't notice in your rush to read my next post.  I know how it is.  But the title of said post was "But we're still not getting a dog."  We're not.  Fredo was a sweet boy (yes, hit by a car, last August)  but my life is measurably easier without a dog.  the kids will just have to console themselves with the umpteen other critters in our house.  And maybe a new kitten.

I've noticed that dreamcatchers in the front of the car often mean stuffed animals (usually sun-faded) in the back window.

Yeah, I've seen the henspa.  You know I want it.  I also want 2 thousand dollars.  And probably wouldn't spend it on a chicken house if I had it.  Send Brent down here to make me one.  I'm sure he owes me for something.

And while I'm here...Why is it so frickin' hard to buy snow boots and snow pants in January?  HMMM?  I got a pair for Julianna at Target, and granted they were super cheap, but damn they're ugly.  So ugly I had to get a pair for me as well to give her solidarity.  Heinous.  I also got her the ugliest snow pants in the world.  Poor thing.  I keep telling how cool this willmake her when she's a grown-up (hello knock-off Topsiders from KMart!), but she ain't buyin' it.  There was not a single pair of boots to fit either Ben or Lily.  I got them the last remaining Land's End boots in their sizes at Sears.  And they were more expensive, on sale, than the heinous granny boots were full price at Target.  Bathing suits?  Oh yes, lots of those.  And flip flops.  Grr.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I've noticed that dreamcatchers in the front of the car often mean stuffed animals (usually sun-faded) in the back window."

For the ultimate in car stuffed animals: web.mac.com/andimw
Scroll down to the third or fourth last post.  Worth it, I guarantee.

Seriously, though- there's no need to beg.  If you want the dog that bad, you really can have her.
