Once upon a time, a blog was started at AOL Journals. The scales fell from the eyes of The Creator and it was moved to Wordpress. Then Journals tanked and all old posts were moved here for safekeeping.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Yummy yummy yummy

"Mommy!  My Love Box is full of candy!"  That's really an unnecessary incentive in later years, dear.

Yes, she finally got to have her Valentine's party.  Which means she finally went to school.  And I took a nap.  So when did Valentine's day become a Halloween-caliber orgy of candy?   Was it not enough to have those wee little pun-riddled cards to analyze for hidden meanings?  It started with the occasional corn-syrup and red-dye riddled lollipop.  Now it was a whole load of M&Ms, Fun-dip, Nerds, you name it.  All red, of course.  I think it's a Nestle-led plot to popularize a holiday that most would otherwise soon learn to scorn.  Get them jonesing for Wonka mix when they're young and they'll buy whatever premium line Nestle owns when they grow up (note: I tried to find what the high end stuff is that Nestle undoubtably owns.  And I came up with a BBC News story about how some Spanish restaurant is helping them come up with spicy flavors.  And THIS:is the pic they used on the story.  Um.  Ew?  Note the authentic British teeth.  This?  does not sell the newspapers on this side of the pond. You people are never getting your empire back if you keep this up.)

Anyway.  In college my buds and I founded Students Against Stupid Holidays and on StVDay, we'd wear all black and our little buttons with a heart in a slash circle and S.A.S.H. on it.  For whatever reason the sorority girls took this as a personal affront and got mad at us.  Which, of course, we LOVED.   I just don't get the Valentine love.  I guess the whole Byronic ideal of love being exemplified by chocolate and doilies is lost on me.  I find it exemplified by giving me the last cup of coffee and making the children leave me alone so I can nap.

But if you WANT to send me a valentine, I'd rather it wasn't this one:

Or, um, this one.  Eep.


Anonymous said...

Ralphie references are never NOT funny.  

In the original Feb 14th-ish holiday, Lupercalia, two young Roman men would slaughter a goat and run around slapping ladies with strips of the bloody hide.  So ya know... maybe candy isn't so bad?

Anonymous said...

thanks Deanna-I'm probably gonna have clown nightmares tonight. Jody
