Once upon a time, a blog was started at AOL Journals. The scales fell from the eyes of The Creator and it was moved to Wordpress. Then Journals tanked and all old posts were moved here for safekeeping.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

The graceful gene is passed on

Bev and I took the girls to a dance company's children's performance.  At the end, they asked all the kids to come up and dance too.  Julianna and Molly like dancing in public better than most anything, so even though they towered over all the other kids, they were quite into it.  And Lily hopped.  As she does.


Anonymous said...

The video is no longer available...deleted by the artist? =(

Anonymous said...

Sheesh, she's not hopping.  She's doing The Pogo.  It's a savvy comment about how Gen-X "culture" is being marketed to kids.  She's saying to them, "how far will you go, The Sex Pistols"?  She's daring us to look at how we impose onto them our own tastes and memories of what used to be daring.

As her dad, I'm a little shocked.  Sure, she talks about this stuff all the time but I never thought she'd make such a public show of it.  I think she's taught us all a bit of a lesson.
