Once upon a time, a blog was started at AOL Journals. The scales fell from the eyes of The Creator and it was moved to Wordpress. Then Journals tanked and all old posts were moved here for safekeeping.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Your witness.

I am suing the Frederick County Public School system for mental distress. Lily has not gone to school since last Monday.  Anyone who has a four year old will testify that they really ought to be going a day and a half rather than a half day ANYWAY, and to give them 4 snow days in a row, followed by a 2 hour delay (which means no pre-K)...unconscionable.  If she gives me that Clyde response one more time...Well, I'm giving her back to Clint Eastwood, that's all.

I did have a lovely weekend away from my brood.  Lara, Bev, and I went to Stacey's to scrapbook.  We had dinner out at a bar, like grownups.  We stayed up late and napped the next day.  It was fun.  And I got a lot of pages done.  Which is good, because I only seem to get any scrapbook stuff done when we go away.  So many crafts, so little time.  So few opportunities for the kids to go to school.   Anyway, Steve says we were gone about a week.  I think we were gone about five hours.  Which is to say, I don't really feel that refreshed.  It was great, I loved it, but I was not ready to return to the fetch-and-wipe grind.

So, Lily's love box remains empty.  They'll have their Valentines (or Valentimes, if you prefer) party somewhere around St. Patty's day.  Which is fine, b/c my "holiday" cards are still stacked up on my microwave.

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