Once upon a time, a blog was started at AOL Journals. The scales fell from the eyes of The Creator and it was moved to Wordpress. Then Journals tanked and all old posts were moved here for safekeeping.

Thursday, March 31, 2005

back on the wagon

I swear, the longer I go w/o posting, the harder it is to post.  I feel like after all that time I'd better have something good to offer.  I, uh, don't.  I have that great back-of-the legs ache that comes from early spring gardening.  It's the same every year.  It's one of the first warm days, I go out to peek at the flower beds or garden.  I think "I'll just pull up that bit of vinca vine so the tulips are showier" and pretty soon I'm covered in dirt w/a pile of weeds waist high.  That feeling of just digging your hands down into that cool, moist soil...Demo work weeding is so rewarding--just rip it ALL out!  Take that vinca vine!  And THAT thistle buds!  Have at you, wayward grasses!  I swear, I might have to plant mint just for the satisfaction of ripping it all out later.  Underground root systems are the most fun to remove.  But only in spring when the ground is loose and gardening still new.  Come July, I am over weeding and the plants must fend for themselves.  Much like the children.  I'll carry you around for the first couple of years, but after that you are on your own.  Get mommy a drink, will you dear?

Peanut butter ice cream with fudge and graham cracker crust mixed in is very good.

I took Ben and Lily to get haircuts today.  We go to this place in the mall.  I'm not wild about it, but Ben is such a nutjob about the cut that I daren't change the venue on him.  The woman that cuts his hair has little patience for his crap.  At first, that really bothered me.  I mean, if the boy is afraid of the clippers, use the scissors.  And be fast about it.  But now, a year and a half or so later, I feel like she's just what he needs.  Matter of fact and unmoved my his cries of "Ow Ow Ow." (I'm not an ogre, btw, it was just the clippers shearing his mop off.  I cannot IMAGINE how it could have actually hurt.  And he's fine.  No blood, two ears.)  I got Lily's cut off just below her ears.  Crazy cute.  She's going to need it.  She has made it her mission to make me eat my words about how there's no such thing as Terrible Twos.  She's a good one for totally ignoring me or just going the opposite way.  A delight in stores.  And she's discovered that you don't REALLY have to eat whatever mommy makes.  Like I said, she needed this hair cut.

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