Once upon a time, a blog was started at AOL Journals. The scales fell from the eyes of The Creator and it was moved to Wordpress. Then Journals tanked and all old posts were moved here for safekeeping.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

just call me Norm.

Well, Nahm, to keep the accent right.  I have conquered the plaster walls!  I can hang bookshelves!  So maybe, just maybe, a year after moving in, I can get my craft room tidied enough that I can use it.  If I do, I'll have the whole downstairs in non-embarrassing shape.  I'm ever so proud of me.  I've kept the other downstairs rooms in a condition I'd allow the UPS guy to see for a week and a half now.  Luckily, he never goes upstairs.  Actually, he usually just dumps the package on my step, rings the bell, and scurries out to his van.  I guess he's heard about the condition of my house.  Or maybe he's timid b/c it's so odd that we've changed our house number from 6702 to 6 for no apparent reason.  We just like to have a little fun w/our friends in brown, that's all.

Scrubs is a rerun tonight so I get to watch America's Next Top Model.  Yay.  Never have reruns made me so happy.  And The Starlet the next night b/c Lost is a rerun.  My shallow, shallow life.  I'll not even bring up how I'm looking forward to Showdog Moms and Dads...


Anonymous said...

ANTM---I watched it on Wednesday (I guess it comes on different times in different markets--we have to work around Magic Basketball).  I was so sure Rebecca (or however she spells her name) crushed her scull when she fainted... I have never hear a crash louder than that.


Anonymous said...

hear should be heard

Anonymous said...

Eureka!  Conquering the plaster walls is wonderful!  Conquering the plaster walls without also creating enormous gaping holes around the anchors is practically miraculous.  When you come to Ohio again will you give me lessons?
