Once upon a time, a blog was started at AOL Journals. The scales fell from the eyes of The Creator and it was moved to Wordpress. Then Journals tanked and all old posts were moved here for safekeeping.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Episode 4: And then there were two.

We get a montage showing us what we missed in the unaired episode about last week's class--only four dogs show up: Fredo, Zoe the lab, Cookie the Maltese, and Sebastian the Yorkie.  The class works on Come! on the long lead in the ring and in the aisles of the store.  All the dogs do well with this except Sebastian who is just so terrified that all he can do is pee and shake.  Everyone should band together to will Sebastian's family to neuter him.  Cookie is ridiculously cute with her fluffy hair fluttering behind her as she scampers down the aisle for come.  She's totally focused on the loving.  Zoe and Fredo are alll about the treats.

Back to this week. Only Zoe and Fredo show up.  Apparently, when your dog is portable, it doesn't seem as urgent to get them trained.  Zoe's mom and Fredo's mom are committed.  Their leash arms are already an inch longer than their other arms.  Diane is joined this week (as in last week's un-aired class) by Sarah, a trainer trainee.  Two people for each dog.  Class opens with a contest.  YAY!  Finally an acknowledgement that this class is not about making friends; it is about winning.  First up, who can keep the longest "watch me"?  Fredo totally kicks Zoe's butt.  Wipes up the floor with her.  Next, who can get the fastest sit?  Fredo barely edges Zoe out, but it's declared a tie.  Please.  Finally, who can get the fastest "settle"?  It looks like synchonized settling as both dogs move in perfect harmony.  Who's a goo'girl?  Who's a goo'boy?

Diane directs the owners to show her stay.  Zoe's mom pops up, assures Diane that Zoe is really good at it.  Zoe proceeds to make it clear that she hasn't any intention of sitting still when there are treats to be had.  Gimme the treats, lady.  Now.  Zoe's mom pleads, "C'mon, Zo.  You're making me look like a liar."  Diane unconvincingly assures Zoe's mom that she believes her.  Fredo has trouble ignoring the fact that there is a perfectly good dog to play with just feet away, but once he focuses, he does a pretty good stay.  Diane seems pleased.  She tells them to work on a down-stay.  Fredo totally kicks butt at this, once again, because the whole "you lay there and I'll bring you treats and tell you what a good boy you are" thing really works for him.  Zoe, ever helpful, doesn't want her owner to have to stoop.  Just give her the bag of treats and then everyone can go back to what they were doing, okay?

Class moves out into the store to work on "sit" in different situations.  Like next to the small animals or the fish.  Zoe does edge out Fredo in this bit. She is just that much more interested in chow.  Fredo would kind of like to sniff and watch the guinea pigs and fish.  But in the end, both  manage to get a sit and a settle, but neither will stay in it for more than a second.  Diane enjoys watching the owners' frustration.  She drinks it in like cool water.

Back in the ring to practice "come-sit."  Fredo is perfectly game, but then gets too close to Blaze the Wonderdog's cage.  Blaze gives him a fairly ferocious barking.  Diane says, "Sure sign that Fredo's an adolescent is that Blaze doesn't want him nearby." Yeah whatever.  Vicious monster.  Fredo is thereafter a bit wigged.  Zoe is certain that the long leash is trying to get her and kind of freaks whenever it moves near her back legs.  SNAKE!  But in testament to how good they are, Fredo and Zoe manage to pull off pretty good come-sits.

Diane asks the owners to try tug-of-war for a leave-it practice, but no amount of whapping them in the snouts with their toys will convince the dogs to tug.  She assures them that even Blaze--yes, even Blaze was very reluctant to tug in a class setting.  Apparently it's a very private thing for the dogs.  Who knew?

Class wraps up with Diane telling the owners that they should be the total stars of the show next week.  But really, will anyone but Fredo show?  One by one, the other dogs have been frightened off by his superior intellect and good looks.  Huck, Corky, Sophie, Cookie, Sebastian...all gone.  Can Zoe stick it out?  Tune in next week.


Anonymous said...

Does Diane end each class with, "I'm holding in my hand ten dog bones.  Each of which as a name on it..."?

Anonymous said...

>Diane says, "Sure sign that Fredo's an adolescent is that Blaze doesn't want him nearby."

That blaming the victim crap is why Blaze gets away with barking agressively at our hero, Fredo.  Bad Diane.  Bad girl!

It's clear to me that Fredo is winning.  I'm very jealous of his mastery of the down-stay.

Anonymous said...

can't wait for the next installment!!
