Once upon a time, a blog was started at AOL Journals. The scales fell from the eyes of The Creator and it was moved to Wordpress. Then Journals tanked and all old posts were moved here for safekeeping.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

long recovery time

Sorry people.  I was clearly traumatized.  Or something.  Anyway, here I am.  I'm hiding inside because the lawn mower guys are here and I'm afraid they might yell at me about all the stuff in the yard.  "Dammit lady, we have moved this kiddie pool--that you tried to send to the dump a year ago--4 times already.  Get RID of it!"  Otherwise I'd be outside staring at the trees, willing them to grow branches where I want to hang the swings.  I bought a pogo swing, twizzler,  and tetherball set from Hearthsong this week.  My plan is to kick the kids outside on the last day of school and not let them back inside until school starts.  Generally, they run around in a neighborhood pack, but I feel like I needed something in our yard to lure them up now and again.  Besides the chicken, of course.  Otherwise, they'll be mooching off of Bev all summer, which makes me feel guilty.  Anyway, the stuff came and I'm trying to figure out the logistics of hanging.  Of course, they are made to be hung from swingsets, but we have trees, people, not your fancy-schmancy swing sets.  Those are for people who don't live on a cliff face.  Also, I'm going to need a second Twizzler (mmm...twizzlers) because hanging it so that both Lily and Julianna can use it is proving impossible.  So I'll get another and soon my yard will be filled with dizzily staggering children.  Hopefully not a preview of the teenage years.  ANYway, I've been studying knot tying and trying to determine how best to handle this.  I went to the local hardware store and asked the grandpas what to do.  So I now have a bunch of rope and rope clamps and rings and things.  And a bag of concrete for setting the tetherball.  And now the yard guys need to go away so I can do these things. 

oh, and I have to go get Lily from school.   Right. The little one.  I'll go do that now...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That twizzler thing looks like A LOT OF FUN.  Can't stand up, barfy fun.  The best kind of fun.
