Once upon a time, a blog was started at AOL Journals. The scales fell from the eyes of The Creator and it was moved to Wordpress. Then Journals tanked and all old posts were moved here for safekeeping.

Sunday, June 4, 2006

Dance Recital

Cute Overload.com can kiss my ass.  There is nothing cuter than 3 and 4 year old girls, in tutus, on stage.  I mean, we KNEW Lily was cute.  But who expected kids in whom we had no genetic stake to be so adorable?  Honestly, they should have had ambulances outside the theater as a precaution for the aneurisms one could get just from the sheer power of the cute.

I'd thought it was sheer genius that the girls in Lily's class didn't have to memorize anything b/c part of their dance was that a Big Ballerina would be dancing with them and they just had to imitate her.  Turns out that was the way most of the little kid dances went.  I'd thought it was to help the kids know what to do.  Now I'm pretty sure it was so that the audience would be assured that there HAD been some sort of dance planned.  That they didn't just costume a bunch of preschoolers and turn them loose on stage.  Not that there was a problem with that, because the inevitable girl who just stands and waves, the one that does her own dance to the music in her head, the one that explores the stage...they just make it cuter.  5 year olds in tap shoes waving flags to "She's a Grand Old Flag?"  Sounds cliched and sacchrine.  But no, no...Steve and I are ordinarily Statler and Waldorf, crusty, cranky, immune to cute.  Not today, Zurg.   I wanted to scoop them all up and kiss them and feed them cookies.

Lily was, of course, adorable.  In her dance, the girls all hold hands in a circle and come together and pull the circle open a few times.  Lily draaaggged them all in and whipped them all out.  Enthusiastic.  The little girl beside her stood stock still for the first minute.  Didn't move a muscle until the Big Ballerina came and moved her. 

I could see that Julianna really wished she was in on it.  I need to get her into something next fall.  Once I post those Fairy Festival pics, you'll see what I mean.  And now that Steve's in Korea for a week, I'll be just sitting here, pining and posting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You sound almost hormonal here!
