Once upon a time, a blog was started at AOL Journals. The scales fell from the eyes of The Creator and it was moved to Wordpress. Then Journals tanked and all old posts were moved here for safekeeping.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

20 Questions

Lily, tonight in bed: Mommy, I have a question.

Me: Oh?

Lily: When I grow up, I'm going to get toenail polish.

It used to be that she'd say "I need to tell you  a question."  and then say "Newspaper!" and laugh her butt off.  Now it's the toenail polish.   And I do polish her toenails if she asks, but I won't let HER do it w/my "grown up polish."  So she looks forward to that proud day when she can wield the brush herself.

Lily: At the candy store, they had pink toenail polish.  It was the ABC's.

Me, wheels creakily turning...uh....*bing*: Oh, at the CVS?  There was toenail polish?

Lily: Yes!  at the C.B.S.  (it's the "candy store" b/c that's where Steve takes them on the weekend to pick out a candy.  They think that CVS is just the most magical place.  CVS and Akron, Ohio.)

Lily:  Mommy.  I have another question.  When I grow up, I"m going to be Superman.  I'm going to walk on the ceiling.

Me: You ARE?  Wow!

Lily:  Don't worry Mommy, (puts her arm around me) I just Lily.  I just Lillian Greenberg [well, "Wiwian Gweenbuhg."]

Lily: Mommy?  I have another question.  When I grow up, I'm going inside that ceiling.

Me: Yeah?  What do you think is in there?

Lily: Blood.

Me: Um, ew.

Lily: Yeah, when I go in there the blood will get all over my pants and my toenail polish.


Lily:  Mommy?  I have a question.

Me, a little scared now: oh?

Lily:  When I grown up, I'm going to get toenail polish.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dammit, when can I take her home w/ me? I promise I won't get her dirty or anything. Or if I do, I'll clean her. Can I just tell you how much gushing and oohing and ahing there would be over this girl in the Castro? They love baby girls here, and give them free things of every type. Well, not condoms. But lots of candy and such.
