Once upon a time, a blog was started at AOL Journals. The scales fell from the eyes of The Creator and it was moved to Wordpress. Then Journals tanked and all old posts were moved here for safekeeping.

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Oh, well HERE you are!

I think "Oh, I'll wait to write a new entry until I have pictures of the chickens..."  But the good pics are on my phone, so I'll just plunge in and you'll have to live in suspense about the chickens.  Except Amy.  I'm taking them to visit her. (bok bok, Amy).  Yes, my friends, I am now the proud owner of two chickens.  And, even more absurd, I am boarding them at the home of my partner-in-chicken-luv, Caroline.  I'm pretty sure she got dragged into the chicken thing by her husband, but she gets it now.  She understands the chicken.  She can grok our poultry friends.  Anyway, Caroline's got loads o' chickens. When you call "heeeere chick chick!" they come running and then peck your toes (the chickens of vegetarians can be quite bold).  Seeing them come running is one of my favorite things ever, so I need chickens.  We'll build a coop here, but for now, I have two.  And I board them.  As if they were expensive Irish hunting horses.

Oh, and their names are Mildred and Liza.  Just so you know.

Otherwise, life continues apace.  The fair was awesome and I went nearly every day, since I'd told the kids I'd take each of them out of school one day to go to the fair.  Julianna got a blue ribbon for her Francis Scott Key Lime Sugar Cookies (the judges are powerless before cookies named after local celebrities).

Ben continues to be "into" Lego Star Wars.  I use quotes because there really are no words to describe his devotion.  Obsession is a bit sinister, but does capture the scope.  Here's conversation at our house:

Julianna: What's that you're eating?

Me: Yogurt.

Ben (zooming in from several rooms away):  Yoda?  Did you say Yoda? 

Me: no.  yogurt.

Ben: Oh, it sounds like Yoda.  Did you know that Master Yoda [he calls him "master Yoda" like he's in this jedi dojo] has 4 toes on his left foot and loves to hum opera? (or whatever)

All Star Wars, all the time.  If I'm at the computer, he wants to know if I'm looking at sites from which I could, conceivably, purchase more Lego bricks for the building of elaborate ships.  On the one hand, he's really good at the ship building and he just beavers away at them and comes up with good ideas and designs.  On the other hand, shut UP already.  geez.

Lily continues to love school.  I have conferencesnext Monday.  I expect to be told that she is ready to teach the class.

Julianna is happy to finally be in a modern dance class.  So now her improptu performances at the Fairy Festival will have some training behind them.

Halloween fever is ramping up.  We're going with a Day of the Dead theme for the house.  Julianna is planning to be Hermione, Ben (wait for it) is going for some Star Wars character, Lily wants to be Mr.Kitty, our cat that died before she was born.  Hopefully, she'll choose not to go with his current look.

I'm going to be moving from AOL blogs at some point in the near future.  Do not panic, I will give much warning.

did you know that warning has "war" in it and that sounds like "Star Wars?"


Anonymous said...

OK - you are getting chickens?  This is so sick. Nasty birds.  Don't come running to me when one of them pecks your eye out.  You'll get no bandaids from me.  Not a one.  What I don't understand is that you get these chickens, thus ensuring I can never ever visit you and you don't even name one of them Fiona?  

Anonymous said...

Chickens, cool!!! but aren't they loud? Glad all is smooth sailing!  Tell Obi Ben to go as a Jedi Master, that would be the easiest costume ever. a hooded brown bathrobe, and lightsaber.

Anonymous said...

(wait for it) ..... now, now....was that just like the infamous 'wait for it' Luke gets from Obi One before he sends a blast to the Death Star.

Intentional or not, you are a hoot! I'll go sit with Amy.
