Once upon a time, a blog was started at AOL Journals. The scales fell from the eyes of The Creator and it was moved to Wordpress. Then Journals tanked and all old posts were moved here for safekeeping.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Some one get me some eucalyptus

I am nearer my goal of becoming a koala bear.  Yes, I know they aren't really bears.  I like the way it sounds, "koala bear," okay?  You can just get your own blog and use only proper Latin names.  So back off.  See?  I'm already grumpy, just like our marsupial friend.  And I carried my young in a pouch and nursed them until they could digest gum leaves.  Or could chew gum.  I hardly remember anymore.  I enjoy eating, so I've got that part of koala life covered.  But only now that my children are in school, can I near that most wondrous characteristic of our little Aussie friend--16-20 hours of sleep a day.  That first day of school?  I napped for FOUR HOURS.  The next day, a bit under three.  Then two.  Then, today, only one (you get the bends if you go back to a human schedule too quickly).  It rocks, being a koala bear.  I think I'll skip the chlamydia, though.

So yeah.  Kids are in school, full day.  Even wee Lily, who has proclaimed it "long and tiring" even though she STILL seldom drops off to sleep before 10 pm.  Clearly no koala blood in THAT one.  I've volunteered to be a car line helper, opening doors and chirping "good morning" at the fresh-faced little mites.  I'm extra chipper with the sullen ones, of course.  But this means that even on the first day, I was racing around screaming, "Let's GO!  Shoes ON, people!" and only had time for one on-the-porch first day photo.  And it turns out it looks like a suspect line-up:

"The one in the skirt stole my bag, officer!"  (aren't you glad this isn't the sort of blog where I would have said "stole my heart"?  me too).

Steve told me to take the whole week off, to nap, do nothing.  I needed no further prodding.  I've done no more than is necessary to keep everyone fed and clothed.  I haven't even been sewing.  Nuthin.  Felt gooood, let me tell you.  It gave me a chance to play with my birthday present!  I'm coming at you from a schweet little Macbook!  Don't I look cooler now?  I know, hardly seemed possible, but there you go.

And yes, it IS my birthday tomorrow.  So I hope you have my presents ready.  I'll be 40.  So that makes my mom pretty damned old.  Just so you know.  Hi mom!  the fact that I very clearly remember her 40th birthday is...unsettling.  And even more, I remember being out for a walk with her down our road remarking that that year she was 44 and I was 22 and how cool.  It was YESTERDAY.  How did time speed up so?    You wait, whippersnappers.  You'll see.

What am I doing for said birthday?  Well, that fabulous trip to Europe is out, so I'm going to camp out with my friends and then go rollerskating.  Because apparently I'm 8.


Anonymous said...

HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY 40TH!!!!!!!  I soooooo can't believe you are 40.  I have managed to tell everyone...even those who didn't even know I HAD a sister..."my sister turns FORTY on Friday!!" response usually, "DAMN! Are you SERIOUS?"  Thank GOD I am so far away from FORTY!!  =) =)  Live it up and have a good time on your bday...I have heard from multiple people that their 40's were the best time of their lives.  

Anonymous said...

Wowwwwwwww... You're THAT old!?  Good thing that I'm only, uhhhh... 35!    (he he he... )    I hope that you have a great day!    ~ Christine

Anonymous said...

At my shower someone (named LaTasha) mentioned that you were turning 40 and the conversation turned to "what to do for a 40th b-day".  Interestingly, my friend Suzanne said, "I'd have a roller skating party!"  Perhaps I should introduce the two of you...
